Courses designed and taught
BA level (University of Jyväskylä)
Qualitative research methods (5 ECTS)
Scientific thinking and practices (5 ECTS)
Research philosophies in musicology and music education (5 ECTS)
Basics of music analysis (5 ECTS)
Music psychology (5 ECTS)
Sociology of music (5 ECTS)
History of Western art music (5 ECTS)
Western popular music (5 ECTS)
History of opera (5 ECTS)
Empirical research data collection and analysis (5 ECTS)
Contemporary issues in musicology research (taught in English) (5 ECTS)
Bachelor seminar and thesis (10 ECTS)
Popularizing musicology (5 ECTS)
Work-life related studies I & II (2 ECTS and 5 ECTS)
MA level, (University of Jyväskylä)
Master Seminar 1 (5 ECTS)
Master Seminar 2 (E ECTS)
Research Method for Master's Thesis (5 ECTS)
Finnish opera (5 ECTS)
Embodiment and music (5 ECTS)
Social cognition of music (5 ECTS)
Musical creativity (5 ECTS)
Work-life related studies III (1 + 4 ECTS)
Guest lectures in other programmes / institutions
“Music and negative emotions” (remote lecture, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India, 2021 & 2024)
"Mitä on musiikillinen luovuus ja miksi sitä pitäisi tutkia?" [What is musical creativity and why it is worth researching?] (master's degree programme in music education, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2023 & 2024)
"Musiikki, taide ja teknologia" [Music, art, and technology] (bachelor's degree programme in information and software engineering, University of Jyväskylä, 2021)
"Qualitative Research Methods" (ESCOM Online Winter School 2021)
“How and why to study intersubjective musical experiences?” (University of Oslo, Norway, 2018)
“Focus group interview as a method for researching musical emotions” (University of Sheffield, UK, 2016)