Conference and seminar presentations
Invited talks
Families and Childhoods in Flux (organised by Social Sustainability for Children and Families [SOSUS] profiling area, University of Jyväskylä, international seminar 3–4 November 2022) "Emotional Meanings of Music at Different Ages" (
RITMO Thematic Workshop: Affect (organised by University of Oslo, online seminar 14 October 2020) "4E/Enactivist view on affect"
ACMESOCS Kick Off Seminar (organised by University of Eastern Finland, in Joensuu 25 October 2019) "Ihana ja vihattava taustamusiikki: musiikkipsykologinen näkökulma taustamusiikkitutkimukseen" [Music that we love and hate: psychological perspective on background music studies] (
Interdisciplinary seminar on Death and Music (organised by Finnish Death Studies Association, in Helsinki 30 October 2017) "Surumusiikin kokemisen kulttuuriset kytkökset" [Cultural connections of experiences relating to music and grieving] (
"The Disgust Seminar" (organised by Finnish Society for Aesthetics & MACS Researchers' Association, in Jyväskylä 11 April 2017) Invited discussant in a panel session on disgust. (
Annual gathering (organised by Finnish Music Therapy Association, in Jyväskylä 16 April 2016) "Musiikin monet surut – kuulijoiden kokemuksia musiikin herättämistä tunteista" [Many shades of sadness – listeners' experiences of emotions evoked by music]
Presentations in international events
AIESEP 2024 International conference. (Jyväskylä, Finland) Symposium "When music and sport embrace – The role of music in boosting youth wellbeing, physical activity, and performance" & presentation "Music and sport as sources of personal empowerment for Finnish adolescents"
Emotions 2023. (Tilburg, The Netherlands) "Who hates (some) music and why? Explaining individual differences in the intensity of music-induced aversion" (a shared presentation with Jonna Vuoskoski)
ICMPC17/APSCOM7 2023. (Tokyo, Japan) "Aggression, contempt, and anxiety: The hostility triad of music-induced emotions"
CIM19 - Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology: "Embodiment in Music" 2019. (Graz, Austria) "When disgusting music penetrates into my body: Embodied, affective experiences of listening to unpleasant music."
Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities 2018. (Canterbury, UK) “Affective realm of musical affordances."
Art, Mind & Experience – Symposium by the Science of Mind & Art Network 2017. (Jyväskylä, Finland) “Dispositions for experiencing music together” (speed poster presentation & poster session)
XXIV. Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics 2016 (Vienna, Austria) “Aesthetic qualities of the memorable experiences of listening to sad music are predominantly related to beauty.”
2nd International Conference on Music and Consciousness 2015 (Oxford, UK) “Between my feeling and yours: Exposing self-selected sad music to a group.”
Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music 2015 (Manchester, UK) “Grief, melancholia, and sweet sorrow: Typology of music-related sadness.”
13th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition 2014 (Seoul, South Korea) “Why listen to sad music? Exploring the underlying reasons.”
3rd International Conference on Music and Emotion 2013 (Jyväskylä, Finland) “Embodiment and Verbalisation. Metaphor Analysis in Investigating Experiences of Listening to Sad Music.”; “Cultural Norms Shape the Structure of Affects Represented and Induced by Music: Two Surveys in Finland” (speed poster presentation & poster session)
Presentations in Finnish events
2nd Joint Seminar on Music, Sport and Health 2023 (Jyväskylä, Finland) Oral presentation: Music and sport as sources of empowerment for Finnish adolescents
The annual symposium for music scholars in Finland 2022 (Jyväskylä, Finland) Oral presentation: ”Nobody cares, but I did it anyway”– Embodied, emotional experiences relating to creative process of writing a new song
The annual symposium for music scholars in Finland 2019 (Helsinki, Finland) Oral presentation: "Musiikin psykologis-funktionaalinen ideologia ja ihmisten kuuntelukäyttäytyminen: huomioita musiikin kuuntelua koskevista empiirisistä tutkimuksista". ["The music-related psychological/functional ideology and the ways people listen to music: empirical remarks about the music listening habits"]
Peda-forum 2018 (Turku, Finland) Oral presentation: "Työelämäläheisyys humanistisen alan koulutuksessa: käytännön kokemuksia työelämäopintojen sulauttamisesta opetussuunnitelmaan". ["Work life relevance in educating students within humanities: practical examples of how to include work life studies into curriculum"].
Jyväskylä Symposium on Emotions 2017 (Jyväskylä, Finland) Oral presentation: "Studying the intersubjectivity of musical emotions".
The annual symposium for music scholars in Finland 2014 (Seinäjoki, Finland) Oral presentation: ”Surullisen musiikin kuuntelukokemuksia: Keholliset ja tilaan liittyvät metaforat kuulijoiden narratiiveissa." [“Experiences of listening to sad music: Embodied and spatial metaphors within the narratives of the listeners”].
The annual symposium for music scholars in Finland 2012 (Jyväskylä, Finland) Oral presentation: ”Suomalaisten käyttämät tunnesanat musiikin esittämien ja herättämien emootioiden kuvaamisessa.” [“Finnish emotion terms for describing emotions expressed and induced by music”]